A Ghostly Reunion (Ghostly Southern Mystery 5) (2024)

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A Ghostly Reunion (Ghostly Southern Mystery 5) (1)

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anglès [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 0.5MB, 📕 Llibre (ficció), lgli/Tonya Kappes [Kappes, Tonya] - A Ghostly Reunion (2016, HarperCollins).epub

A Ghostly Reunion (Ghostly Southern Mystery 5) 🔍

HarperCollins;Witness, Ghostly Southern Mystery, 5, 2016

Kappes, Tonya 🔍


Emma Lee Raines sees dead people
Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl&#8212;trying to come between Emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again.
There's only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash-talking ghost&#8212;solve the murder so the former prom queen can cross over.
But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated Miss Popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get to the twisty truth.

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Títol alternatiu

A Ghostly Reunion: A Ghostly Southern Mystery (Ghostly Southern Mysteries Book 5)

Títol alternatiu

A ghostly reunion : a ghostly southern mystery

Autor alternatiu

Tonya Kappes

Editor alternatiu

Witness, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

Editor alternatiu

HarperCollins Publishers

Edició alternativa

A ghostly southern mystery, New York, N.Y, 2017

Edició alternativa

Ghostly Southern Mysteries, New York, NY, 2016

Edició alternativa

Baker & Taylor Books (Firm), 2016

Edició alternativa


Edició alternativa

1, 2016

Descripció alternativa

Emma Lee Raines sees dead people Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl—trying to come between Emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again. There’s only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash-talking ghost—solve the murder so the former prom queen can cross over. But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated Miss Popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get to the twisty truth.

Descripció alternativa

Emma Lee Raines sees dead people Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl-trying to come between Emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again. There's only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash-talking ghost-solve the murder so the former prom queen can cross over. But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated Miss Popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get to the twisty truth

Descripció alternativa

Proprietor of the Eternal Slumber Funeral Home, Emma Lee can see, hear, and talk to ghosts of murdered folks. And when her high school nemesis is found dead, Jade Lee Peel is the same old mean girl, trying to come between emma Lee and her hot boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, all over again. there's only one way for Emma Lee to be free of the trash talking ghost, solve the murder so the former pro queen can cross over. But the last thing Jade Lee wants is to leave the town where she had her glory days. And the more Emma Lee investigates on her own, the more complicated miss popularity turns out to be. Now Emma Lee will have to work extra closely with her hunky lawman to get6 to the twisty truth

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A Ghostly Reunion (Ghostly Southern Mystery 5) (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.